Our flexible shallow landslide barriers made from high-tensile steel wire protect buildings, roads and railway lines situated on slopes. They represent an efficient alternative to conventional protective measures such as dams or reinforced walls, which require extensive construction. Comprehensive tests in three specially designed test facilities, replicating real-life conditions and conducted in conjunction with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich, have verified the performance of our landslide barriers.
The barriers absorb both high dynamic and high static pressure at the same time. Their flexibility keeps maintenance work to a minimum, while the low deflection levels make it possible to install them close to the objects requiring protection.
The first and only approved (ETA) solution against shallow landslides with CE marking*. Large-scale field tests have proven that the barriers are able to hold up against several impact events involving complete filling.
*according to EAD 340020-00-0106
Shallow landslide barriers are often used in exposed terrain where rockfalls may occur. Our solutions are therefore designed and tested for rockfalls with 500 kJ.
The barriers can be adapted to suit local conditions and their lightweight components enable cost-effective installation.