29 m - 66 m
A much-trodden hiking trail in Berchtesgaden with a historic Brine pipeline and a kindergarten underneath were acutely affected by rockfall. The Berchtesgaden market thus put out a tender for the construction of a rockfall barrier in the south-east slope area along the hiking trail to the Lockstein viewpoint café.
Heavy construction traffic cannot operate in this area; there were also no storage or work areas available. In the sector of the fence segments under the forest soil overlay, silty to very silty hillside debris, heavily interspersed with rocks and block parts and in part open-pore rock/block layers had to be contended with.
It was assumed from the local situation, that the thickness of the loose rock cover - hillside debris under the forest soil overlay - was several metres (> 5 m) , so that it could be basically assumed that for the anchor dimensioning, the binding line lies in loose rock throughout.
Soil classification DIN 18 301 (2012) loose soil covering BN 1, BN 2, BS 1 - BS
4; boulders/ outcropping rock FV 2, FV 5, FV 6, FD 2
(According to planning documents of Engineer Bernd Gebauer GmbH,
Due to the conditions described above, the barriers were installed by hand without machinery.
Anchoring: wire rope anchors 5 m long (lateral) and 4 m long (support anchors) were used. In the looseened rock area, for the lateral anchor rope on the west side flex heads were used instead of wire rope anchors.
Markt Berchtesgaden Community
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Gebauer Ingenieur GmbH
HTB Baugesellschaft m.b.H.
Touristic infrastructure, Infrastructure, Other