United States
United States


Underground & Open Pit Mining - Hydropowerplant Chile II 2016

MINAX® reinforcement

Underground & Open Pit Mining - Hydropowerplant Chile II 2016

Two MESHA® working at the same time

Underground & Open Pit Mining - Hydropowerplant Chile II 2016

MESHA® dispositive working

Underground & Open Pit Mining - Hydropowerplant Chile II 2016

MESHA® installing MINAX® rock mesh


Year of installation


Initial situation

The Alto Maipo project consists of a hydroelectric plant which includes five high mountain intakes, 70 kilometers of tunnels at an average depth of 800 meters, two cavern power plants - Alfalfal II and Las Lajas- with a combined capacity of 531 MW and 17 kilometers of high voltage lines.

The relevant civil works consider 70 kilometers of tunnels excavated in solid rock, at an average depth of 800 meters. Its size is defined by the flow rate to be transported and the minimum dimensions required for the operation of the excavation machinery. The tunnels will conduct the water under pressure and at low speed, losing very little energy until it reaches the machine caverns.

Due to the mountain range area rock bursting problems have been registered. The require fortification in order to protect both human lives and the machinery necessary for the development of a tunnel.


For safety reasons MINAX® 80/4  rock mesh have been implemented: In order to provide the necessary energy absorption capacity in case of rock bursting that could occur due to the geological conditions of the tunnels of the Alto Maipo project.

At the same time, in order to optimize the fortification operation and safeguard the integrity of the workers, the MESHA® device has been implemented. The nailing is carried out fully mechanized.





Protected object

Mine / Quarry, Other

Corrosion protection


Your local contact

Dane Wagner

Dane Wagner

Open Pit Mining / Quarries Business Development Manager

Mining / Tunnels
Geobrugg North America, LLC,10700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Suite #470-1,97005 Beaverton / United States Open Pit Mining / Quarries Business Development Manager
