The Wollongong Escarpment Area in Wollongong New South Wales is unstable and Bulli Pass is subject to rockslides especially in times of heavy rainfall. Bulli Pass has a history of slip and rock fall events. A major slip in 2008 required slope stabilisation works with the road being closed for seven weeks. Following several events, including a serious rock fall that landed on a vehicle in 2015, there have been extensive investigations into the upslope section of Bulli Pass. After detailed analysis Geobrugg Australia was chosen as the preferred supplier of a Rock Fall and Landslide mitigation system.
The project reduces the residual slope risk profile from landslide and rock fall events. The project consisted of a 1.1 km of SL-150 Shallow Landslide Barrier and a combination of VX and UX flood debris catchment nets. The system now provides rock fall and landslide protection from a road that has 14'000 car movements a day. The barrier is 3.5 m high including over 1'000 rock nail anchors constructed in difficult terrain. The Barrier is also capable of containing a 500 kg rock travelling at 160 km/hour.
More information:
Roads and Maritime Authority, New South Wales
Department of Public Works, (Project Management)
Specialised Geo Pty Ltd (GHD Contractor)
Consultant Andrew Hunter Coffey/GHD (Geotechnical Consultant); Consultant Philip Flentje (University of Wollongong)