

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

The custom designed debris flow barrier based on Geobrugg's technology of flexible barriers

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Flood from 1930 - the village of Lenk in the Bernese alps was completely under water. Afterdebris flows, the Simme river bed was blocked and the village remained flooded for several weeks

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Overview of the debris flow accumulation area above the village

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Accumulation area and the barrier localization (red). Source: swisstopo, 2017

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Concrete pillars foundation during installation - visible huge scale of the project

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Another view of the concrete pillars foundation during installation - totally ca. 130 m³ of concrete were used. The stream water was by-passed using a temporary piping (black pipe visible on the left)

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Concrete pillars foundation during installation - view from the top. Walls of the deep cut are stabilized with anchored retaining walls

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

View of the almost finished riverbed barrier with rock blocks covering the winglet area of the barrier. That solution perfectly covers heavy concrete foundations and prevents erosion during the event

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

To provide extra protection for the concrete pillars, they are covered with tree trunks (easy and cheap in maintenance) Also visible Geobrugg's brake rings, which absorb a large part of the impact energy.

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Side view of this exceptional protective ringnet installation in the Bernese Alps.

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

Overview towards the valley - people standing on the right show the enormous size of the barrier equipped with Geobrugg's technology

泥石流和滑坡防护 - Lenk, Bernese Alps 2017

View from below the huge protective structure in the Bernese alps



Special Solutions



40 m - 40 m





The village of Lenk in Simmental valley (Bernese Oberland) was already affected by debris flows in the past. For example, mudflows in summer 1930 from side streams clogged the bed of the river Simme what caused a deluge in the village. Access to this mountain village - street and rail - was also blocked. During this large event, the quantity of debris flow was estimated as 135'000 m³.

Many other minor to medium events were observed in the following decades. After a flood in 2005 (with minor damage), the danger map was revised and the present project was launched.

The origin of the debris flow mobilization area is mainly a slump in the Bühlgraben as well as the strong gut erosion of the alluvial soils below it. The catchment area covers an area of ​​around 20 km². It is assumed that the debris flows occur in several discharges. The location of the barrier is at the end of a winding stream.

Based on a 3D debris modeling (RAMMS DEBRIS FLOW, carried out by Emch + Berger AG from Bern), the input parameters for the dimensioning flexible barriers were obtained. The final solution is dimensioned with a retaining capacity of 70'000 m³ (in four to five bays of 15'000 m³ each) and flow velocities up to 9 m/s.


To prevent medium size debris flows reach the riverbed of the Simme, a restraint system for sludge and driftwood was created in geologically very demanding terrain. The annual normal water discharge with smaller solid particles can easily pass through the basal opening.

Due to the required spans and the specified loads, a design with concrete slabs was chosen. For this purpose, Geobrugg dimensioned the nets and ropes between the concrete slabs (based on the Geobrugg standard barrier VX160-H6). The design of the concrete slabs was developed by Emch + Berger AG Bern.

The six foundations of the concrete slabs were securely deeply seated using 15 m deep reinforced pails.

Nevertheless, in the case of a major event, this retention volume could be exceeded. Then the remaining debris material passes via the overflow section in the middle of the barrier.




Community of Lenk


Emch+Berger AG Bern


Steiger Ingenieure + Planer AG


Burn & Künzi AG


Road, Railway, Building, Touristic infrastructure, Residential area, Infrastructure, Other




René Müller

René Müller

Country Manager Western Switzerland

Hydraulic Engineering
Geobrugg AG,Industriestrasse 21,5200 Brugg / 瑞士 Country Manager Western Switzerland


Olivia Sartorius

Olivia Sartorius

Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland

Hydraulic Engineering
Geobrugg AG Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland


Alexander Bittendorfer

Alexander Bittendorfer

Project Manager Inspection Services

Geobrugg AG,Trucks via road 14 or 13 only!, Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / 瑞士 Project Manager Inspection Services


Isacco Toffoletto

Isacco Toffoletto

Country Manager Southern Switzerland

Hydraulic Engineering
Geobrugg AG Ticino,Via Brusada 5,6933 Muzzano / 瑞士 Country Manager Southern Switzerland
