Contact pentru jurnaliști: +41 71 466 89 71,
Găsiți fotografii despre Geobrugg, produsele noastre, testele noastre și oamenii noștri în centrul nostru de descărcare. Vă rugăm să folosiți "©Geobrugg" ca și credit pentru imagine.
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De asemenea, verificați noutățile noastre pe peretele nostru de socializare.
For our high-tensile chain-link meshes an EPD (Typ III environmental declaration) has been prepared, verified and approved by an independent verifier. It has been registered and published at the International EPD System. This milestone reflects our commitment to sustainability and product quality.
Expert knowledge - available anytime and anywhere: A selection of Geobrugg webinars is now available on
As of 15 June, we appear with a new logo and in blue color on our website. Geobrugg is a BRUGG company from its beginnings in 1951. This year, the BRUGG Group will standardize the appearance of all its divisions. Safety is our nature - BRUGG is our family News of 13 January, 2023