
Kopalnie / Wydobycie / Tunel - Quellaveco mine 2023

The mesh can be rolled out, thus allowing quick installation

Kopalnie / Wydobycie / Tunel - Quellaveco mine 2023

Several rolls are unrolled at the same time

Kopalnie / Wydobycie / Tunel - Quellaveco mine 2023

Workers installing the mesh to protect the overland Girdle-Mine and the Quellaveco Industrial Zone


Rok Instalacji / Montazu


Sytuacja początkowa

Quellaveco is an area with high rainfall during the rainy season (from December to March). Detachments of blocks or mass landslides due to weather events occur regularly. Blocks from 1 to 1.5 meters in diameter affected the protection of the Overland Belt and consequently stopped the transport and crushing process.

Opis zastosowanego rozwiazania

A drape system with Minax 80/4 mesh was installed in the endangered area.

The solution is based on the data provided by the client about the blocks with high landslide potential in the upper slope zone of the Overland Belt.

System height
First section average of 18 meters
Second section average of 40 meters

System length
First section 60 meters
Second section 120 meters

Kraj / Region



Anglo American Quellaveco – Technical Services Area / geotechnics


Desnivel Peru S.A.C.

Chroniony Objekt

Mine / Quarry

Osoba kontaktowa na miejscu

Dane Wagner

Dane Wagner

Open Pit Mining / Quarries Business Development Manager

Kopalnie / Wydobycie / Tunel
Geobrugg North America, LLC,10700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Suite #470-1,97005 Beaverton / USA Open Pit Mining / Quarries Business Development Manager

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