

Monitoring - Mellitz 2021

Installation of Geobrugg GUARD on the top support rope with a torque wrench

Monitoring - Mellitz 2021

Rockfall barrier, view from behind

Monitoring - Mellitz 2021

Snowloads measured during winter 2020/2021


Zastosowane systemy


Rok Instalacji / Montazu


Sytuacja początkowa

The road has been protected for years by rockfall barriers RXI-200. Due to the high snowfall in this region, the Geobrugg GUARDs were installed for test purposes. The aim was to confirm that the Geobrugg GUARD also measures the slowly increasing snow load.

Opis zastosowanego rozwiazania

To guarantee constant monitoring, three Geobrugg GUARD devices were installed:

  • With an acceleration sensor, larger rock impacts can be detected.
  • The force measurement measures the slow filling of the fence. This enables measuring the snow load in the winter months.
  • Furthermore, a corrosion sensor records the corrosion at this specific location, classifies it, and calculates the material service life.


BBA Lienz



Chroniony Objekt


Osoba kontaktowa na miejscu

René Müller

René Müller

Country Manager Kantone AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Kopalnie / Wydobycie / Tunel
Geobrugg AG,Industriestrasse 21,5200 Brugg / Szwajcaria Country Manager Kantone AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS

Formularz kontaktowy

Olivia Sartorius

Olivia Sartorius

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Kopalnie / Wydobycie / Tunel
Geobrugg AG

Formularz kontaktowy

Alexander Bittendorfer

Alexander Bittendorfer

Project Manager Inspection Services

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Geobrugg AG,Trucks via road 14 or 13 only!, Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / Szwajcaria Project Manager Inspection Services

Formularz kontaktowy

Isacco Toffoletto

Isacco Toffoletto

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Kopalnie / Wydobycie / Tunel
Geobrugg AG Ticino,Via Brusada 5,6933 Muzzano / Szwajcaria

Formularz kontaktowy