The Kaikoura M7.8 Earthquake caused widespread damage to the road and rail corridor some 20 km North and South of the Kaikoura township. Over 40 major slips inundated the road and rail with over 750,000 m³ of material from source zones up to 500 m above sea level. The highly fractured greywacke meant frequent future shallow landslides had to be expected. Barriers in several locations were necessary before the reopening of the SH1 road and railway below.
The 3.5 m high SL-150 barrier was selected due to its 150kN/m² load capacity with low defection and due to it being the only certified and tested barrier. To date three 50 to 70 m SL-150 barriers have been installed with a 5 to 8 m post spacing. Several more SL-150 barriers are planned along the corridor.
Read more about the other Kaikoura projects:
Nowa Zelandia
Geovert, RockControl, SRG