Specjalne rozwiązania
10 m - 40 m
As a result of three heavy thunderstorms during the nineties, the mountain creek Hüpach caused shallow landslides, debris flows, and deluges. Debris and boulders blocked roads and railways in Oberwil near Interlaken. To prevent future hazards, our customer Schwellenkorporation Oberwil decided to install two retention structures. The construction is designed for a 300-year debris flow event. This project was a joint endeavor of the sister companies Geobrugg and Fatzer.
Benefits of the chosen solution:
The barrier was planned and installed to protect settled areas within the community, highly endangered by debris flow and flooding. The goal for the client (and therewith for GEOBRUGG and the planner) was to find a cost effective solution to saveguard lives, buildings and property.
Key figures of the drainage basin:
This solution is also documented in a video
Community of Oberwil, dept for flood control
Emch & Berger, Berne
Road, Railway, Building, Residential area