
Ochrona przed spływami gruzowymi (rumowisko) i płytkimi  osuwiskami - Glen Eyrie 2013

View of UX/VX debris barrier looking upstream from below

Ochrona przed spływami gruzowymi (rumowisko) i płytkimi  osuwiskami - Glen Eyrie 2013

Access road built to the right side of the UX/VX debris barrier for easy clean out

Ochrona przed spływami gruzowymi (rumowisko) i płytkimi  osuwiskami - Glen Eyrie 2013

View from behind UX /VX debris barrier looking downstream

Ochrona przed spływami gruzowymi (rumowisko) i płytkimi  osuwiskami - Glen Eyrie 2013


Ochrona przed spływami gruzowymi (rumowisko) i płytkimi  osuwiskami - Glen Eyrie 2013

Lower barrier, where VX and UX meet. The VX barrier is almost full. Also shows UX nets over top of VX nets


Dlugosc systemu od

12 m - 25 m


Rok Instalacji / Montazu


Sytuacja początkowa

The Waldo Canyon Fire burned approximately 18,200 acres in the summer of 2012. A significant portion of the upper watershed of Queen's Canyon was located within the burn scar of the Waldo Canyon Fire. The Glen Eyrie Castle and Conference Center are located at the mouth of The Queen's Canyon, exposing the Conference Center to post-wildfire debris flows.

Opis zastosowanego rozwiazania

A total of 3 Geobrugg debris flow barriers, 2 UX barriers (UX120-H6 and UX180-H6) and one VX barrier ( VX080-H4) were installed at the project site. The VX barrier was installed directly below the UX180-H6. A reinforced earth berm was also constructed at this site to create a narrower channel as well as an access road that would later be used for barrier clean out.

The UX120-H6 barrier is planned to be left in place and once filled, be used as a check dam, while the VX080-H4 and UX180 H-6 have since been cleaned out a handful of times using the constructed access road.

Kraj / Region



The Navigators


Kane GeoTech


Midwest Rockfall, Inc.

Chroniony Objekt

Building, Touristic infrastructure, Infrastructure, Other

Osoba kontaktowa na miejscu

Kevin Coyle

Kevin Coyle

Regional Manager Northeast

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,3 Beaudet Terr,CT 06237 Columbia / USA Regional Manager Northeast

Formularz kontaktowy

Saleh Feidi

Saleh Feidi

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8921 Emperor Ave.,91775 San Gabriel, California / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

John Kalejta

John Kalejta

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,KS 67226 Wichita / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

Bob Lyne

Bob Lyne

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8004 Windspray Drive,NC 27358 Summerfield / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

Pierce Runnels, Civil Engineer

Pierce Runnels

General Manager Geobrugg North America

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Geobrugg North America, LLC,22 Centro Algodones , Civil Engineer General Manager Geobrugg North America

Formularz kontaktowy

Tim Shevlin

Tim Shevlin

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Geobrugg North America, LLC,OR 97302 Salem / USA

Formularz kontaktowy