

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

RXE-5000 rockfall barrier - 7 m high and 40 m long spectacular structure. View from up slope after completion of phase 1

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

RXE-5000 rockfall barrier - 7 m high and 40 m long installation process. View from up slope at the end of Phase 1

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

RXE-5000 separation post to connect the next phase of the project: visible transmission ropes and U-brake elements

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

CAN Geotechnical IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) operatives pulling the ringnet panels to meet ready for connecting together with shackles

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

RXE-5000 rockfall barrier ring net panels being disconnected from the posts and banding being cut off ring nets

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

Post and mesh panels were lifted into position by crane. Visible the old small and insufficient barriers being replaced by the RXE-5000

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

RXE-5000 rockfall barrier border post tensioning of the top support ropes to the anchor blocks. Visible scale of rockfall danger behind the barrier

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

Another view of the RXE-5000 rockfall barrier installation during phase 1

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

RXE-5000 rockfall barrier post base showing running wheel attached and one running wheel loose for connection. This unique technology protects ropes and allows their almost frictionless movement

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

View of the completed RXE-5000 rockfall barrier after completion of phase 2

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

Ring nets and ropes on the RXE-5000. Visible secondary mesh behind ring net

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

End post of the RXE-5000

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

Lateral anchors, note the special casing around the top of the bar.

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

View of the completed RXE-5000 at the end of phase 2

 - Eastside Catchments Gibraltar 2017

View of the completed RXE-5000 at the end of phase 2



88 m





Following rockfall in 2015 Golder Associates undertook a design for rockfall mitigation measures to protect the road and residential properties below. The detailed rockfall analysis showed a requirement for protection from a 5000 kJ impact with a system height of 7 m.


In December 2016 CAN Geotechnical were awarded the project to complete phase 1 of the works, a 40 m long and 7 m high 5000 kJ rockfall barrier. We supplied a RXE-5000 barrier. To enable future works to be completed more easily and without deconstructing the existing fence, we provided a solution for the end post to alllow for this.

Over several years and many projects Geobrugg has worked with both Golders Associates and CAN Geotechncial and a good relationship has developed.  This enabled all of the involved parties to work together to find a cost effective and buildable solution. 

The ground conditions on the eastside catchments are well known and extremly difficut to work within. To enable the works to be completed CAN Geotechnical had to carry out lots of temporary works and to use enlarged concrete bases for the fence posts.  Additionally CAN Geotechnical opted to terminate all ground anchors into reinforced concrete bases with wire rope eyes protruding for connection to Geobrugg U-brakes.

In Januray 2018 CAN returned to site to instal the remaining 48m of barrier.  The customised solution installed on the previous section worked perfectly enabling a smooth instalation and transition between the two barriers.

For this phase of works CAN built upon their knowledge of the ground conditions encountered last time and in conjunction with the designer were able to use a more conventional anchoring solution avoiding the need for the large concrete foundations beams and the temporary soil nailing required in the previous phase. This was no easy task however as it required drilling with a 115mm bit to install R51 Hollow bar, with the requirement to install permanent casing in the upper part to provide extra stability.




Government Of Gibraltar


Golder Associates


CAN Geotechnical Ltd.


道路, 観光用インフラ, 居住区, インフラ


亜鉛めっき, ジェオブルッグ スーパーコーティング


Kevin Coyle

Kevin Coyle

Regional Manager Northeast

Hydraulic Engineering
Geobrugg North America, LLC,3 Beaudet Terr,CT 06237 Columbia / アメリカ合衆国 Regional Manager Northeast


Saleh Feidi

Saleh Feidi

Hydraulic Engineering
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8921 Emperor Ave.,91775 San Gabriel, California / アメリカ合衆国


John Kalejta

John Kalejta

Hydraulic Engineering
Geobrugg North America, LLC,KS 67226 Wichita / アメリカ合衆国


Bob Lyne

Bob Lyne

Hydraulic Engineering
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8004 Windspray Drive,NC 27358 Summerfield / アメリカ合衆国


Pierce Runnels, Civil Engineer

Pierce Runnels

General Manager Geobrugg North America

Geobrugg North America, LLC,22 Centro Algodones , Civil Engineer General Manager Geobrugg North America


Tim Shevlin

Tim Shevlin

Geobrugg North America, LLC,OR 97302 Salem / アメリカ合衆国
