

Snow 2019
3 - 5 Abril 2019 / Siglufjörður, IS

Rapid gravity mass flows pose a threat to settlements and infrastructure and limit the use of land on all continents of the world. In mountainous regions, these natural hazards include snow avalanches, slush- and debris flows, rockfall and landslides. People in modern societies are becoming more concerned with safety, and authorities strive to ensure the safety of settlements, traffic lines and society in general with hazard zoning, planning of settlements, and construction and management of protection measures. The design of permanent protection measures has become more demanding and expensive in recent years due to high safety demands leading to the consideration of temporary protection measures or relocation of settlements as well.

The symposium seeks to bring together scientists, engineers, architects and representatives of local and central authorities to discuss the state of the art of mitigation measures against snow avalanches and other rapid gravity mass flows and the challenges that lie ahead in the management of those natural hazards.

The International Symposium on Mitigation Measures against Snow Avalanches and Other Rapid Gravity Mass Flows will be held in Siglufjörður, north Iceland, from April 3rd to April 5th, 2019, by the Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland (VFI).

Meet our experts at the Snow 2019 symposium in Iceland!

Meet us

Rico Brändle

Director Mining Europe

Eberhard Gröner

Head of Geotechnics Geohazard Solutions

Walter Höller

Walter Höller

Sales Manager Geobrugg Austria


Jonas von Wartburg


Snow 2019

3 - 5 Abril 2019
Sigló Hótel, Snorragata 3, 580 Siglufjörður, IS


Jonas von Wartburg