

Proteção contra correntes de detritos - Lienzerbach 2019

The upper debris flow protection net

Proteção contra correntes de detritos - Lienzerbach 2019

Drilling work with a walking excavator at the lower net

Proteção contra correntes de detritos - Lienzerbach 2019

Assembly work with the support of a walking excavator

Proteção contra correntes de detritos - Lienzerbach 2019

The lower debris flow protection

Proteção contra correntes de detritos - Lienzerbach 2019

Both debris flow protection networks and the access road


Comprimento do sistema

15 m - 16 m


Ano de instalação


Situação inicial

In Lienz/Altstätten in the Swiss Rhine Valley, about 50 buildings are at risk from floods and debris flow.
A bedload study showed that smaller debris flows above the Roti Platte area (starting area of the debris flows) can detach in the gullies, which can grow into a larger debris flow in the Roti Platte area. They can mobilize up to 10,000 m³ of additional material between the Roti Platte area and the Furnis barriers.


The construction project comprises two staggered net barriers (VX160-H6) in the Roti Platte area with a retention volume of approx. 1600 m³. These net barriers, which are planned as transitional measures until the expansion project further downstream, are intended to interrupt the growth of a debris flow and to increase the protection of the village of Lienz.

País / Região



Objecto protegido

Edifício, Área residencial

Proteção contra a corrosão


O seu contacto local

René Müller

René Müller

Country Manager Western Switzerland

Riscos naturais
Engenharia Hidráulica
Mineração / Túneis
Geobrugg AG,Industriestrasse 21,5200 Brugg / Suíça Country Manager Western Switzerland


Olivia Sartorius

Olivia Sartorius

Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland

Riscos naturais
Engenharia Hidráulica
Mineração / Túneis
Geobrugg AG Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland


Alexander Bittendorfer

Alexander Bittendorfer

Project Manager Inspection Services

Riscos naturais
Geobrugg AG,Trucks via road 14 or 13 only!, Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / Suíça Project Manager Inspection Services


Isacco Toffoletto

Isacco Toffoletto

Country Manager Southern Switzerland

Riscos naturais
Engenharia Hidráulica
Mineração / Túneis
Geobrugg AG Ticino,Via Brusada 5,6933 Muzzano / Suíça Country Manager Southern Switzerland
