Situated below the village of San Gavino Di Tenda, the national road RD62 is dominated by an imposing rock front approximately 70m high and 100m long. In 2021, a major landslide swept away part of the road, closing it for several months. Following this event, a rock risk study commissioned by the Collectivité de Corse revealed the need to carry out safety work.
An initial safety project involved the construction of two lines of high-capacity (5000 kJ) rockfall barriers at the foot and mid-height of the rock front. As for the initially planned lines of barriers, damage seemed likely; the project evolved into constructing an attenuator coupled with three lines of rockfall barriers (GBE-1000A und GBE-2000A).
Sytem length: ATT-80 : 90 m, GBE-1000A : 48 m + 48 m, GBE-2000A : 30 m
System height: ATT-80 : filet 40 à 50 m, poteaux 5 m, GBE-1000A : 5 m, GBE-2000A : 5 m
Collectivité de Corse