

Circuiti automobilistici / aree di collaudo - Red Bull Ring II 2014

Geobrugg Debris Fence installed at the Red Bull Ring

Circuiti automobilistici / aree di collaudo - Red Bull Ring II 2014


Circuiti automobilistici / aree di collaudo - Red Bull Ring II 2014

Geobrugg Debris Fence installed behind the Service Road. High strength mesh ROMBO till ground to avoid debris behind the debris fence.

Circuiti automobilistici / aree di collaudo - Red Bull Ring II 2014



Lunghezza del sistema

400 m


Anno di installazione


Situazione iniziale

The debris fence of Geobrugg was selected to protect the infield and the new spectator area where temporary grandstands will be erected for the race.


Geobrugg offered the complete turnkey solution including layout design, manufacturing and installation of close to 400 m of our debris fence. With the selection of the FIA debris fence and the adaptation of the system to the local conditions the client made sure that the spectators are protected with the highest standard available.
Key advantages of the system are:
- Tested and designed system
- Fast and easy installation
- 50 cm cable spacing
- Improved spectator protection due to high-tensile wire mesh ROMBO
- Improved spectator vision compared to systems with 25 cm cable spacing




Geobrugg AG

Altre società partecipanti

Zaunbau Nähr GmbH Austria

Il contatto locale

Jochen Braunwarth

Jochen Braunwarth

Director Motorsport Solutions

Barriere per gli sport dei motori
Geobrugg AG,  Director Motorsport Solutions
