

5th ReSyLAB 2022
23 - 26 Marzo 2022 / Rijeka, HR
The members of the ICL ABN are organizing a bi-annual regional symposium: The Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region (ReSyLAB). The ReSyLAB strengthens the cooperation of the ICL ABN members and gathers the scientists, researchers, engineers, professionals, and decision-makers, from the region and beyond concerned with landslide hazards and risk, their reduction, and impact on society.

Symposium activities will include a workshop on landslides, physical and numerical modeling, lectures and full paper presentations, field trip, poster sections, landslide photo exhibitions, and round table discussions.

Symposium topics

Landslide investigation

Landslide mapping and modelling

Landslide numerical modelling

Landslide physical modelling

Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk modelling

Landslide mitigation and remediation

Landslide case studies

Political and social impact of landslides


Please click here to learn ion about the event.

Meet us

Vjekoslav Budimir

Country Manager Balkan Region


5th ReSyLAB 2022

23 - 26 Marzo 2022
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Radmile Matejčić 3, 51000 Rijeka, HR


Vjekoslav Budimir