

Circuit of the Americas - Upgrade 2022

Circuiti automobilistici / aree di collaudo - Circuit of the Americas - Upgrade 2022 2022

Mobile Debris Fence at Turn 20

Circuiti automobilistici / aree di collaudo - Circuit of the Americas - Upgrade 2022 2022

Mobile Debris Fence close up


Lunghezza del sistema

- 160 m


Anno di installazione


Situazione iniziale

The Circuit of the Americas has upgraded the Turn 20 with a new debris fence system for the United States Grand Prix. As the fence system has to move back for the MotoGP race to comply with the FIM run-off regulations, the track operator chooses Geobrugg's mobile debris fence system. 


160 meters of Geobrugg’s homologated mobile debris fence were installed at Turn 20. 


Altre applicazioni installate

Circuiti automobilistici / aree di collaudo

Il contatto locale

Jochen Braunwarth

Jochen Braunwarth

Director Motorsport Solutions

Barriere per gli sport dei motori
Geobrugg AG,  Director Motorsport Solutions
