

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Canadian Malartic Mine CMM 2019

Attenuator solution for safety

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Canadian Malartic Mine CMM 2019

Detail post head with support rope separation

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Canadian Malartic Mine CMM 2019

Concrete foundation of the post with a strut solution, therefore there is no need for retaining ropes

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Canadian Malartic Mine CMM 2019

Before the roll-out of the mesh

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Canadian Malartic Mine CMM 2019

The attenuator will deflect the falling rock, the drape will direct it to the designated runout area


Anno di installazione


Situazione iniziale

The Canadian Malartic mine is one of Canada's (CMM) largest gold mines. CMM is committed to constantly conducting its operations in a way that ensures a healthy and safe work environment. Potential rockfall hazards led CMM to contact Geobrugg for advice on mitigation solutions. Geobrugg worked with CMM on selecting the attenuator system solution as the most efficient and cost-effective solution for the open pit.


Geobrugg worked closely with the mine and with Construction & Expertise PG as the installation contractor to manage the rockfall hazards. To date, approximately 33,000m² of TECCO® for about 450 meters of attenuator have been installed. During the installation of the attenuator, all the mining activities were conducted normally without interruption.

Our pictures show attenuators solutions at The Canadian Malartic Mine.


CMM advised by Geobrugg

Oggetto protetto

Cava / Miniera

Protezione dalla corrosione


Il contatto locale

René Müller

René Müller

Country Manager Kantone AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Ingegneria idraulica
Miniera / Gallerie
Geobrugg AG,Industriestrasse 21,5200 Brugg / Svizzera Country Manager Kantone AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS


Olivia Sartorius

Olivia Sartorius

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Ingegneria idraulica
Miniera / Gallerie
Geobrugg AG


Alexander Bittendorfer

Alexander Bittendorfer

Project Manager Inspection Services

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Geobrugg AG,Trucks via road 14 or 13 only!, Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / Svizzera Project Manager Inspection Services


Isacco Toffoletto

Isacco Toffoletto

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Ingegneria idraulica
Miniera / Gallerie
Geobrugg AG Ticino,Via Brusada 5,6933 Muzzano / Svizzera
