

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

View from the Cabritos creek towards the city of Chañaral, affected by floods and debris flow events during 2015

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

Barrier VX160-H6 view of the valley towards the mountain

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

VX160-H6 ringnet barrier is the first in the system of two barriers located in the Cabritos creek in the city of Chañaral

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

VX160-H6 flood prevention barrier

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

VX140-H4 barrier seen from the valley towards the mountain

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

VX140-H4 barrier is the second of the system of two barriers located in the Cabritos creek in the city of Chañaral

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

VX140-H4 barrier top view

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

System of two barriers in the Cabritos ravine, seen from the valley towards the mountain

Protezione contro frane e colate detritiche - Cabritos creek 2020

Debris flow barrier with abrasion protection


Lunghezza del sistema

17 m - 22 m


Anno di installazione


Situazione iniziale

On the coast of the Atacama region is the city of Chañaral which has been affected by meteorological events and has presented floods and debris flows in the case of its ravines and creeks.


It is proposed to mitigate these alluvial events by implementing a system of two flexible barriers in the Cabrito creek, specifically a VX160-H6 barrier and a VX140-H4 barrier.


Directorate of Hydraulic Works DOH


Transportes René Aguirre

Oggetto protetto

Strada, Zona residenziale, Infrastrutture

Protezione dalla corrosione


Il contatto locale

René Müller

René Müller

Country Manager Kantone AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Ingegneria idraulica
Miniera / Gallerie
Geobrugg AG,Industriestrasse 21,5200 Brugg / Svizzera Country Manager Kantone AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS


Olivia Sartorius

Olivia Sartorius

Country Manager Ost- und Zentralschweiz, Liechtenstein

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Ingegneria idraulica
Miniera / Gallerie
Geobrugg AG,Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / Svizzera Country Manager Ost- und Zentralschweiz, Liechtenstein


Alexander Bittendorfer

Alexander Bittendorfer

Project Manager Inspection Services

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Geobrugg AG,Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / Svizzera Project Manager Inspection Services


Isacco Toffoletto

Isacco Toffoletto

Ticino Country Manager

Sistemi contro il dissesto idrogeologico
Ingegneria idraulica
Miniera / Gallerie
Geobrugg AG Ticino,Stabile Cometal, via Pizzante 7,6595 Riazzino / Svizzera Ticino Country Manager
