Our RXE-500 to RXE-10000 rockfall protection barriers come into their own in applications that present the risk of large blocks breaking loose and travelling with significant force and energy. The permitted energy absorption capacity is as high as 10,000 kJ, equating to a weight of 25 tons traveling at over 100 km/h – a world record in this sector. Because of its capacity for maximum energy absorption, the RXE has set the standard for low deflection levels.
Testing that replicates field conditions has confirmed that this solution offers the lowest deflection on the market. This makes it ideal for installing in close proximity to at-risk objects.
The posts are delivered to the construction site as modules with pre-installed bundles of netting for easy installation. This significantly reduces the installation time.
The only barriers to have been tested and approved according to EAD 340059-00-0106 (ETAG 027) and in vertical free fall according to FOEN, the strictest regulation in the world.
This component enables linear energy dissipation and is easily accessible for inspection and maintenance. Stainless steel makes the brake extremely durable even when subjected to strain.