

Proteção contra desprendimentos - Route 395 Lee Vining 2016

Flexible rockfall fence posts installed on US Highway 395, Mono County, California

Proteção contra desprendimentos - Route 395 Lee Vining 2016

Flexible rockfall fence posts installed on US Highway 395, Mono County, California

Proteção contra desprendimentos - Route 395 Lee Vining 2016

Rockfall event occurring on March 12, 2017 retained behind 3 m Geobrugg GBE-500A-R flexible rockfall fence

Proteção contra desprendimentos - Route 395 Lee Vining 2016

Installed GUARD on the top support rope


Comprimento do sistema

- 1050 m


Ano de instalação


Situação inicial

The Marina Fire burned 654 acres of steep slopes between its ignition on June 24, 2016 and its containment on July 7, 2016.  The fire was named for its proximity to the nearby old marina on Mono Lake. Prior to the fire, Caltrans had programmed a phased rockfall mitigation project to address rockfall originating from six cut slopes along US 395 from post mile 53.2 to 53.7.


In Mono County, California temporary, flexible rockfall fences were installed to provide rockfall protection to US 395. 

Two Geobrugg flexible rockfall fences, 2,000 linear feet of GBE-500A-R (3 m height) and 1,500 linear feet of model GBE-500A-R (4 m height) were recommended and installed.

A unique aspect of this project was the uncertain location of a critical utility and design modifications that allowed the rapid installation of the fence posts while minimizing risk to the utility. 

Subsequent to the Marina Fire, this section of roadway experienced rockfall events from source areas outside the Caltrans right of way, and resulted in a need for rapid mitigation of the increased rockfall.

País / Região

Estados Unidos




Yeh and Associates / Caltrans


Access Limited Construction

Objecto protegido


Proteção contra a corrosão


O seu contacto local

René Müller

René Müller

Country Manager Western Switzerland

Riscos naturais
Engenharia Hidráulica
Mineração / Túneis
Geobrugg AG,Industriestrasse 21,5200 Brugg / Suíça Country Manager Western Switzerland


Olivia Sartorius

Olivia Sartorius

Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland

Riscos naturais
Engenharia Hidráulica
Mineração / Túneis
Geobrugg AG Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland


Alexander Bittendorfer

Alexander Bittendorfer

Project Manager Inspection Services

Riscos naturais
Geobrugg AG,Trucks via road 14 or 13 only!, Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / Suíça Project Manager Inspection Services


Isacco Toffoletto

Isacco Toffoletto

Country Manager Southern Switzerland

Riscos naturais
Engenharia Hidráulica
Mineração / Túneis
Geobrugg AG Ticino,Via Brusada 5,6933 Muzzano / Suíça Country Manager Southern Switzerland
