
Ochrona przed obrywami skalnymi - Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert 2022

The GBE-1000A barrier with painted posts

Ochrona przed obrywami skalnymi - Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert 2022

The SPIDER mesh keeps unstable blocks in place

Ochrona przed obrywami skalnymi - Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert 2022

Larger blocks are stabilized using the mesh

Ochrona przed obrywami skalnymi - Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert 2022

View from the RD4 road up to the barrier line: the painted posts of the barrier assure an excellent integration of the barrier into the landscape


Zastosowane systemy


Dlugosc systemu od

48 m - 90 m


Rok Instalacji / Montazu


Sytuacja początkowa

Heavy rainfall in the area induced large rockfalls above the RD4 road. Almost 40 cubic meters of rock detached from the face above the RD4. The blocks hit the road and eventually ended up in the Hérault river below the RD4. Rockfalls of such size can cause considerable damage to the road infrastructure and harm road users.

Opis zastosowanego rozwiazania

Two four meter high GBE-1000A rockfall barriers were installed. The combined length of the barriers amounts to 138 meters. Painted barrier posts guarantee a better integration of the barrier into the landscape. In addition, SPIDER S3-130 mesh was used to stabilize loose blocks of the outcrop. This way, blocks with large volumes can be kept in place. The combination of the rockfall barriers and the slope stabilization keeps the road operable at most times while also increasing the safety of the road users.  

Kraj / Region




Inne przedsiębiorstwa

SAGE Ingénierie

Chroniony Objekt


Ochrona przeciwerozyjna


Osoba kontaktowa na miejscu

Kevin Coyle

Kevin Coyle

Regional Manager Northeast

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,3 Beaudet Terr,CT 06237 Columbia / USA Regional Manager Northeast

Formularz kontaktowy

Saleh Feidi

Saleh Feidi

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8921 Emperor Ave.,91775 San Gabriel, California / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

John Kalejta

John Kalejta

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,KS 67226 Wichita / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

Bob Lyne

Bob Lyne

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8004 Windspray Drive,NC 27358 Summerfield / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

Pierce Runnels, Civil Engineer

Pierce Runnels

General Manager Geobrugg North America

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Geobrugg North America, LLC,22 Centro Algodones , Civil Engineer General Manager Geobrugg North America

Formularz kontaktowy

Tim Shevlin

Tim Shevlin

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Geobrugg North America, LLC,OR 97302 Salem / USA

Formularz kontaktowy