
Tory wyścigowe - Phillip Island Circuit 2024

Geobrugg Debris Fence, heigth 3.5 meters

Tory wyścigowe - Phillip Island Circuit 2024

Snatch gap in debris fence for fast access of first responders and marshals

Tory wyścigowe - Phillip Island Circuit 2024

FIA homologated solution to comply with strict FIM and FIA safety requirements

Tory wyścigowe - Phillip Island Circuit 2024

To realize a considerable change of direction in the debris fence, a compression strut connects two debris fence sections.


Zastosowane systemy


Dlugosc systemu od

528 m


Rok Instalacji / Montazu


Sytuacja początkowa

The Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit is home to the world’s leading motorsport series, including the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, the Superbike World Championship, and various Australian series.

To provide additional safety to the spectators, the circuit was asked to install a debris fence at Turn 4, 6 and 10.

Opis zastosowanego rozwiazania

The FIA-homologated debris fence with a 6-meter post spacing was chosen to protect spectators and track workers along Turns 4, 6 and 10.

The increased post spacing of 6 meters reduces the chances of a rider impacting a post. In addition, the safety of the spectators will be improved while minimizing the disruption of a perfect view of the action.

Geobrugg Motorsport provided the detailed layout design for construction and manufactured and delivered the material on-site. Our installation training enabled the local contractor to perform the installation. After the installation was completed, we conducted a final inspection in combination with the FIA labeling, certifying the correct installation in accordance with the installation manual and FIA Standard 3502-2018 debris fence.

Kraj / Region



Osoba kontaktowa na miejscu

Marty Hunt

Marty Hunt

Sales & Project Manager Motorsport

Geobrugg Partner - Motorsport Logistics & Technology L.L.C.,PO Box 138,IN 46167 USA Pittsboro / USA Sales & Project Manager Motorsport

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