
Stabilizacja skarp - Duplijsa 2021

Stabilized slope with mesh perfectly adapting to the rock

Stabilizacja skarp - Duplijsa 2021

Connection detail between mesh rolls

Stabilizacja skarp - Duplijsa 2021

General view of mesh connection

Stabilizacja skarp - Duplijsa 2021

General view of the slope protected with QUAROX system

Stabilizacja skarp - Duplijsa 2021

DELTAX mesh connection


Zastosowane systemy


Rok Instalacji / Montazu


Sytuacja początkowa

Route A-529 is the access road to the community of Parca, Mamiña and the secondary access route to BHP’s Cerro Colorado mine. Public transportation minibusses and light vehicles used by residents and tourists circulate along this route daily.

The slopes have an average height of 80 meters. As a result of the high level of fracturing and weathering of the rocks, there are constant rock falls of different sizes onto the road. 

Opis zastosowanego rozwiazania

The Ministry of Public Works planned to replace and maintain the conventional rock guiding systems with DELTAX and QUAROX systems. These are easy and fast to install, thus reducing exposure time for workers and providing better resistance for large blocks.

Kraj / Region



Public Works Ministry

Chroniony Objekt


Ochrona przeciwerozyjna


Osoba kontaktowa na miejscu

Kevin Coyle

Kevin Coyle

Regional Manager Northeast

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,3 Beaudet Terr,CT 06237 Columbia / USA Regional Manager Northeast

Formularz kontaktowy

Saleh Feidi

Saleh Feidi

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8921 Emperor Ave.,91775 San Gabriel, California / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

John Kalejta

John Kalejta

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,KS 67226 Wichita / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

Bob Lyne

Bob Lyne

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Nżynieria hydrauliczna
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8004 Windspray Drive,NC 27358 Summerfield / USA

Formularz kontaktowy

Pierce Runnels, Civil Engineer

Pierce Runnels

General Manager Geobrugg North America

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Geobrugg North America, LLC,22 Centro Algodones , Civil Engineer General Manager Geobrugg North America

Formularz kontaktowy

Tim Shevlin

Tim Shevlin

Zagrożeniami naturalnymi
Geobrugg North America, LLC,OR 97302 Salem / USA

Formularz kontaktowy