At the railway embankment (DB line 4500, Meckenbeuren - Kehlen, railway km 189.5+45 to km 190.1+15), measures against badger infestation and the resulting undermining and subsidence had become necessary. In the past, the tracks had already been displaced due to undermining caused by the burrowing of badgers in the railway dam.
Both sides of the embankment had to be protected from future damages.
After the existing badgers had been deterred, Geobrugg provided 11´500 m² of TECCO G45/2 to protect the railway against badgers and other borrowing animals. To make sure no badger was trapped inside their den, the mesh was first cut out at the den entrances to ensure the getaway. These openings were provided with a flap to prevent animals from getting back inside the dam. After a few months, the dens were filled with soil and sealed with the TECCO mesh.
DB Netz AG