

Laves torrentielles et coulées de boue - Las Ceibas River 2018

Bird's eye on the debris flow barrier

Laves torrentielles et coulées de boue - Las Ceibas River 2018

During installation

Laves torrentielles et coulées de boue - Las Ceibas River 2018

The ringnets - they will hold back debris, mud, rock blocks

Laves torrentielles et coulées de boue - Las Ceibas River 2018

Works at the debris flow barrier

Laves torrentielles et coulées de boue - Las Ceibas River 2018

View upstream of the ring net barrier



UX Solutions spéciales


Longueur du système

- 56 m


Année d’installation


Situation de départ

Las Ceibas river is in the Huila department at the center of the country and is the main water provider to department capital's distribution system. During the rainy seasons debris and avalanche flows are triggered. These phenomena fed by the blocks and soil placed in the riverbank, put in danger nearby populations and the city's distribution system.


WARCO proposed a series of debris flow barriers with an accumulated retention capacity of 25'000 m³. The first barrier installed in 2018 has a length of 56 meters and a height of 6 meters.

Note: More barriers were installed in 2019 and in 2020.

Also watch the customer's video from 2021

Pays / Région



CAM - Corporacion Autonoma del Alto Magdalena

Objet protégé

Bâtiment, Infrastructure, Autres

Protection anticorrosion


Votre contact local

René Müller

René Müller

Country Manager Cantons AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS

Risques naturels
Ingénierie Hydraulique
Exploitation minière / Tunnel
Geobrugg AG,Industriestrasse 21,5200 Brugg / Suisse Country Manager Cantons AG BE BL BS FR GE JU NE SO VD VS


Olivia Sartorius

Olivia Sartorius

Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland

Risques naturels
Ingénierie Hydraulique
Exploitation minière / Tunnel
Geobrugg AG Project Manager Sales Eastern Switzerland


Alexander Bittendorfer

Alexander Bittendorfer

Project Manager Inspection Services

Risques naturels
Système de surveillance d'ouvrage à distance
Geobrugg AG,Trucks via road 14 or 13 only!, Aachstrasse 11,8590 Romanshorn / Suisse Project Manager Inspection Services


Isacco Toffoletto

Isacco Toffoletto

Country Manager Southern Switzerland

Risques naturels
Ingénierie Hydraulique
Exploitation minière / Tunnel
Geobrugg AG Ticino,Via Brusada 5,6933 Muzzano / Suisse Country Manager Southern Switzerland
