


ETApprovals change to ETAssessments

2 Février 2015

The quality and functionality of products such as Geobrugg Rockfall Barriers for the European Market are verified and approved by means of ETA certificates by the European Organisation for Technical Assessment EOTA, as per the new Construction Products Regulation (EU/305/2011). 

See also “What is an ETA?” here:

Up to June 30, 2013, ETApproval certificates have been issued with a validity period of five (5) years. Due to a change in the approval process at EOTA, unlimited ETAssessment certificates are issued since July 1, 2013. However, ETApproval certificates issued before this date remain valid until their expiry date. After that, whenever an ETApproval expires, an unlimited ETAssessment document will be issued in a standardized process for the product in question.

The current ETAs of Geobrugg are found on the EOTA website under this link: After June 30, 2013 issued ETAssessments, or after expiry of ETApprovals, the documents are to be found here:  à ETAssessments

Summarizing, Geobrugg products can be found in both sections at the moment: ETApprovals and ETAssessments. Check both if you have problems finding some!