
Protección contra caídas de rocas - Barrage de Cahora Bassa 2022

High-energy deflectors protect the access road to the dam from the risk of a major cliff fall

Protección contra caídas de rocas - Barrage de Cahora Bassa 2022

Installation of the deflectors is greatly facilitated by the use of SPIDER S4-130 nets, packaged in rolls and offering an unbeatable weight/resistance ratio

Protección contra caídas de rocas - Barrage de Cahora Bassa 2022

With its 7-meter posts, the upper part intercepts the falling blocks and brings them down to the “drape” part of the barrier - an effective system for high-frequency rockfall


Longitud del sistema

231 m


Año de instalación


Situación inicial

The Cahora Bassa dam, on the Zambezi River, has a total storage capacity of 65 billion m³, making it the 4th largest artificial lake in Africa. Thanks to the 171-meter-high, 303-meter-long arch dam, its hydroelectric power station generates up to 2,075 MW, making it the 2nd most powerful in Africa. The spillways and the only access road to the plant are located below the cliff. Recurrent landslides have led the plant’s owner, Hidroelectrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB), to reinforce the cliff.


We supplied five custom-built rockfall attenuator barriers rated at 5000 kJ, totaling 231 meters and covering a surface area of 6900 m². They are made of elements from our RXE-5000 rockfall barriers combined with SPIDER S4-130 mesh and have an interception height of 7 meters.

País / Región








Objeto protegido

Carretera, Infraestructura

Protección contra la corrosión


Su contacto local

Kevin Coyle

Kevin Coyle

Regional Manager Northeast

Protección contra riesgos naturales
Ingeniería hidráulica
Geobrugg North America, LLC,3 Beaudet Terr,CT 06237 Columbia / EE. UU. Regional Manager Northeast

Correo electrónico

Saleh Feidi

Saleh Feidi

Protección contra riesgos naturales
Ingeniería hidráulica
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8921 Emperor Ave.,91775 San Gabriel, California / EE. UU.

Correo electrónico

John Kalejta

John Kalejta

Protección contra riesgos naturales
Ingeniería hidráulica
Geobrugg North America, LLC,KS 67226 Wichita / EE. UU.

Correo electrónico

Bob Lyne

Bob Lyne

Protección contra riesgos naturales
Ingeniería hidráulica
Geobrugg North America, LLC,8004 Windspray Drive,NC 27358 Summerfield / EE. UU.

Correo electrónico

Pierce Runnels, Civil Engineer

Pierce Runnels

General Manager Geobrugg North America

Protección contra riesgos naturales
Geobrugg North America, LLC,22 Centro Algodones , Civil Engineer General Manager Geobrugg North America

Correo electrónico

Tim Shevlin

Tim Shevlin

Protección contra riesgos naturales
Geobrugg North America, LLC,OR 97302 Salem / EE. UU.

Correo electrónico