In the region of Antofagasta in the North of Chile, 38 kilometers south of San Pedro de Atacama is the traditional tourist town of Toconao - one of the most attractive places in the Jere valley.
Over the past several years, the Jere valley has suffered several floods. These floods have affected the valley and the plantations next to the town, damaging the socioeconomic basis of the population.
In the context of the "Conservation and Management of Watercourse in Toconao Sector" the General Direction of Hydraulic Works (DOH) of Antofagasta decided to solve this recurring problem.
Geobrugg presented a sustainable solution consisting of two UX160-H4 barriers (22 m wide and 4 m high) and a VX160-H6 barrier (11 m wide and 4 m high). The systems were installed consecutively in order to form a multilevel barrier that can mitigate around 3500 m³ of the debris.
All phases of construction on this project were performed by Las Chilcas S.A. Company and with the support of the Chilean Geobrugg team.
Direccion de Obras Hidraulicas DOH
Geobrugg Andina S.A.
Las Chilcas S.A.
Touristic infrastructure, Residential area